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Activate your high-performance culture today

Effortless implementation. Lasting benefits.

Looking for a turnkey solution that lifts your team's engagement and productivity without adding to your workload? Our High-Performance Culture Training program is your answer. Just say "yes," and we'll handle the rest.

A high-performance team working together at a table in an open-model workplace.

We Keep It Easy for You:

Rapid rollout: Launch a comprehensive training program this week.

Zero overhead: No additional work for you — our team manages everything.

Immediate start, lasting change: Create sustained productivity boosts and enhanced team dynamics.

Covering In-Demand Topics:

Productivity through accountability

Growth hacking

Continuous improvement

✔  Creative innovation

✔  Adaptability

✔  Collaboration

✔  Data-driven decision making

✔  Emotional intelligence

✔  Business acumen

✔  Meeting excellence

✔  Building + retaining diverse teams

✔  Resilience

All classes are live and interactive.

Most classes are 60-90 minutes long.

Request Pricing + Program Details:

Electives is trusted by growing, people-first companies:

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Expert-led sessions. Effortless implementation.

A collage of Electives instructors

Our classes are led by professors, C-suite executives, astronauts, Olympic athletes and coaches, comedians, poets, songwriters, historians, best-selling authors and more.

We handle all the logistics, ensuring each session is impactful and relevant.

Customize with ease:

Easily adapt the High-Performance Training program to meet your specific requirements.

Need to adjust or add topics? It's straightforward with our support just a Slack, email or call away!

Enhance your program with Electives Membership, allowing employees to pick supplementary classes with no extra effort from you.

Most-Requested Add-On Topics for High-Performance Culture Training

Navigating Change: Adapt confidently. Learning to manage change and uncertainty navigation empowers teams to remain resilient and agile.

Feedback Dynamics: Elevate growth with constructive exchanges. Cultivating a culture where giving and receiving feedback is normalized drives personal development and team innovation.

Team Cohesion: Strengthen bonds to unlock potential. Engaging in team-building activities enhances cooperation and drives collective success.

Inclusion Holidays: Celebrate diversity to build a culture of respect. Embracing inclusion-focused holidays enriches team understanding and fosters a welcoming environment.

Mental Health Awareness: Cultivating an environment that supports mental health awareness enhances productivity and employee satisfaction.

Work-Life Harmony + Wellbeing: Balance ambition with personal health. Promoting wellbeing and work-life balance ensures a rejuvenated and more focused team.

Strategic Interviewing: Hire for culture and capability. Refining interviewing techniques to align with your high-performance culture attracts the right talent for growth.

Remote/Hybrid Culture Best Practices: Developing a robust remote/hybrid culture ensures high engagement and productivity, regardless of location.

Productivity Through Recognition: Boost morale to foster loyalty and productivity. Implementing recognition and support systems motivates employees and reinforces their value to the team.

Market Dynamics: Expand perspectives for internal growth. Encouraging awareness of market dynamics and looking outside your world inspires innovation and strategic thinking.

Say goodbye to boring training.

Electives is the live learning solution for lean People teams who are frustrated with traditional corporate training.

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